Example Books - high-quality used books for children


Occupation, construction, demolition, and reconstruction, like a massive wheel driven by an underlying force called "development," continuously radiate marks of "human will." This project is a series of photomontages with a 3D virtual image representing construction sites in China. Each of these sites is surrounded by a temporary wall, featuring text and drawings. Instead of providing information about the purpose of the construction, this display expresses collective dreams related to various topics. The texts and drawings from each site have been reassembled into a single flat image to provide an overall readable view. A construction photograph is placed at the top of each image to make visible a vision of accomplishment. The translation texts are juxtaposed, following the shape of the texts and drawings on the walls in the photos. The virtual image is a simulation of the form in the reality of this type of place.

These sites represent a state of becoming, a state of uncertainty. The collective dreams manifest as specters haunting the spaces of becoming. When the displays of collective dreams meet the gaze of different inhabitants, it's a suspended moment that generates both nostalgia for the past and imagination for the future. When each person projects their own mental image based on their life situation, the multiple realities intersect at this moment of becoming. The abstract dreams are concretized by both the text of translation and the text on the wall displayed on the image. Thus, the text is the image; the image is the text. In a world accelerated for development, where will the current realities lead us in the Anthropocene era?



Simulation of a place under construction.

3D virtual scene

Ground Control, Arles
Exhibition view
Special attention
Les Rencontres d’Arles 2023

50 x 70 cm
Newsprint paper
Aluminum picture frame
Museum glass